martes, 26 de julio de 2016

REVIEW: Wayward and The Wicked + The Divine

Following with some recommendations I bought these two comics and I must say that both looked like great stories. They have a lot of themes or elements I love... Japan, gods, mythology, adventures...and in general I enjoy both volumes and will read the second ones 😀
  • Wayward Vol I

Rori Lane is trying to start a new life when she reunites with her mother in Japan, but ancient creatures lurking in the shadows of Tokyo sense something hidden deep within her, threatening everything she holds dear. Can Rori unlock the secrets of her power before it's too late?

What I really like about Wayward is the way they treat Japan. Normally, all that I've read or watch based in Japan looked like Japan was a fairyland, somewhere that would be great to visit but does not exist, like if you want to travel to Westeros or the Middle Earth. But Japan is real, exists and has been great to see that was treated properly. A real place, a real city. Also, was great the way the mixed the folklore and the myths.

Rory moves to Tokyo to live with her mother and she has not a great relationship with her father at the moment. Since she arrived, she saw things that shouldn't be real and got involve in a fight. After that, she met a group of people with special abilities and they will try to defeat the evil forces.
In general, I have enjoyed this reading but was something missing there to make it a top one.

(Really is a 3,75/5)

  • The Wicked + The Divine Vol I:
Every ninety years, twelve gods incarnate as humans. They are loved. They are hated. In two years, they are dead. The team behind critical tongue-attractors like Young Avengers and PHONOGRAM reunite to create a world where gods are the ultimate pop stars and pop stars are the ultimate gods. But remember: just because you’re immortal, doesn’t mean you’re going to live forever.

This one has been a bit of a disappointment. The story looks so cool at first. Every 90 years, 12 gods come back to Earth to live there for 2 years. How cool is that? I think the premise looks brilliant but once you're reading not that cool.
Was hard to follow the story at times, found myself a bit lost and thinking that I have some pages missing or I skip part of the story by mistake. Even though, I want to read the second volume because the end is very unexpected and I want to know what happen next but, if I'm honest, won't be a priority in my TBR.


Lots of love,
Angela xx

lunes, 25 de julio de 2016

REVIEW: Ms Marvel



Kamala Khan is an ordinary girl from Jersey City — until she's suddenly empowered with extraordinary gifts. But who truly is the new Ms. Marvel? Teenager? Muslim? Inhuman? Find out as she takes the Marvel Universe by storm! When Kamala discovers the dangers of her newfound powers, she unlocks a secret behind them, as well. Is Kamala ready to wield these immense new gifts? Or will the weight of the legacy before her be too much to bear? Kamala has no idea, either. But she's comin' for you, Jersey!

I must admit that I feel a bit guilty. I'm a big Marvel fan but till this month, I hadn't read any marvel comic before 😳😳 and the reason for it was simple. I was never able to pick a comic to start with as most of them has lots and lots of volumes already. But Ms Marvel has only 5 available at the moment and catching up wouldn't be so difficult. Plus, I've heard a lot of good things about this story.
I was a bit afraid that this comic wouldn't meet my expectations but now I can say was kind of a stupid idea. This comic is absolutely fantastic 😄😄
Kamala is a great character. She is funny, you can identify yourself with her as she is so relatable and no the typical heroine comic material girl and that makes her unique. She needs to accept herself because pretending she is other person won't help with her new life as a superhero. You can see she's growing up along with the story and I think this is a great story to carry on with. Also, I find intersting her backround (family, severe parents, another culture to explore. I think is the first time marvel creates a comic about a Muslim American but maybe I´m wrong and if that is the case, I apologise about it. But maybe, they could use less steryotipics)

The art in this volume is so beautiful and was another of my reasons to read it. Also, the humour  is so good during all the reading.


I´ve already bought the next volume and can't wait to read it.

Lots of love,
Angela xx

domingo, 24 de julio de 2016

REVIEW: Everland

Sci-Fiction & Steampunk - Wendy Spinale - Scholastic Press - Everland -
London has been destroyed in a blitz of bombs and disease. The only ones who have survived are children, among them Gwen Darling and her siblings, Joanna and Mikey. They spend their nights scavenging and their days avoiding the ruthless Marauders -- the German army led by Captain Hanz Otto Oswald Kretschmer. Unsure if the virus has spread past England's borders but desperate to leave, Captain Hook hunts for a cure, which he thinks can be found in one of the survivors. He and his Marauders stalk the streets snatching children for experimentation. None ever return. Until the day they grab Joanna. As Gwen sets out to save her, she meets a daredevil boy named Pete. Pete offers the assistance of his gang of Lost Boys and the fierce sharpshooter Bella, who have all been living in a city hidden underground. But in a place where help has a steep price and every promise is bound by blood, it will cost Gwen. And are she, Pete, the Lost Boys, and Bella enough to outsmart Captain Hook?

The first thing that I have to say about this book is that is gorgeous! The cover is so beautiful and that was one of the reasons I put this book up on my TBR list. Also, a retelling of Peter Pan story? Well, I couldn't resist it. It's true that I have a bit of a blockage with this reading but wasn't because the book made me have it, was life who made me stop reading for a while 😩

When you start this book, you're brought to London. A London nearly destroyed after the attack of the Captain or also known as Hook. Hook is the son of the queen of Germany and I don't think you will be surprised if you read a book on which Germany and England are in war. But, as I was saying, he came to conquer England in a way to show his mother he is brilliant. He use the Horologia virus and nearly all the adults died. The few survivors are children and there is a mayority of boys there, the Lost Boys. In Everland you can find Peter, Gwen and the little Michael or Bella.We will follow them in their adventure, in their fight to survive and try to find the cure that only the Inmune has.
I found myself smiling everytime I recognised things from the original story, some quotes, some details like the pixie dust or the crocodiles.

Overall I have enjoyed this book and I will recommend you to read it. The end let you ready for the second book and with the hope of a better future.

Lots of love,
Angela xx

lunes, 23 de mayo de 2016

RESEÑA: el libro de Noah

Paranormal Romance - Lena Valenti- Editorial Vanir - Saga Vanir VIII: El libro de Noah-

Le llaman Noah Thöryn. Es el ojo derecho de As Landin, el mejor amigo del noaiti, y un hombre muy importante en el clan berserker de Wolverhampton. Le dijeron que era hijo de una pareja de guerreros, y que recién nacido fue a parar a manos de As. Ahora ha descubierto que todo es mentira,y que lo único auténtico y real en su vida es la pasión demoledora que siente hacia Nanna, la valkyria intocable de Freyja. Sin embargo aquello que más desea le es negado por normas divinas, y Noah se esta volviendo loco por la desesperación. Si a eso se le añade las extrañas pesadillas que tiene desde que fue herido por el puñal Guddine, su vida es de todo menos apacible. No obstante, las runas hablan con objetividad, y les da igual si ellos son o no son compatibles.
Después de sobrevivir milagrosamente en la batalla de Machre Moor, Noah deberá realizar un viaje para descubrir quién es y qué ha venido hacer en el Mirdgard, y es una cuestión innegociable que su pareja en su aventura, sea Nanna. ¿Cómo podrá soportar estar cerca de ella y no tocarla?Nanna siempre fue la niña de los ojos de Freyja. Era la elegida por los dioses para recoger a los muertos en batalla en el Midgard y tiene una gran peculiaridad: ningún hombre vivo la puede tocar. No obstante, el berserker de ojos amarillos ha roto su palabra y ha violado su norma, provocando que la ira de Freyja cayera sobre ella. Nanna no quiere saber nada de él, pero la Diosa Vanir tiene otros planes para ella, que deberá obedecer si quiere que la perdone de nuevo. Empezará un viaje único y revelador, lleno de aventuras, guerra y magia, al lado del único hombre que ha deseado en su vida, del que dicen que es importante para el destino del Ragnarök. Y Nanna no tiene ni idea de cómo sobrellevar la atracción que siente hacia él, sobre todo, cuando viene acompañada de la decepción que supuso que él la traicionara.El Ragnarök ha empezado.Los clanes se reagrupan para luchar juntos.Y en medio de la inminente batalla, un berserker y una valkyria deberán viajar juntos para descubrir los secretos que los nomas y los dioses han reservado para ellos, sin saber, que el mejor y más importante de todos, será descubrirse el uno al otro en la guerra y en la seducción.Cuando el amor y la valentía brillan tanto como el sol, no se pueden tapar con un solo dedo.

¡Por fin estoy de vuelta en este universo! Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde la última vez que vanirios, berserkers, valkyrias y einherjars me acompañaban en una lectura y Lena Valenti con su saga Vanir nunca me decepciona. Este es el octavo volumen y no es fácil mantener un nivel alto durante tantos libros. Como todas las sagas unos libros te gustan más y otros menos, unas parejas te permiten identificarte más con ellas y otras algo menos; pero Lena siempre mantiene su estilo especial que hace que quieras como tuya esta saga y que sientas como tuyos estos libros...
Con este libro, nos acercamos más y más al final de los tiempos y quizás es por ello que el libro tiene más acción. Podemos ver a todos nuestros protagonistas y descubrimos quien es en realidad Noah y porque es tan especial. El libro se centra en el viaje de Noah y Nanna, un viaje lleno de peligro, aventuras, encontrarse y aceptarse a uno mismo y con el mal acechando en cada rincón. Pero también podemos ver amor, amistad, héroes y sacrificios que llegan al corazón.
"No importa tanto saber de dónde vienes como descubrir quién eres. Y eso no lo marca quiénes son tus padres. Lo marca la gente que te quiere y que ve de ti tu mejor versión. La gente te quiere por lo que ya eres, no por lo que podrías llegar a ser."
El final como siempre de infarto. Lena y sus epílogos hacen que desees tener el siguiente libro contigo pronto o sino el ansia puede contigo. Por suerte, con todo el retraso que tengo en mi TBR los siguientes libros de esta saga ya están en mi posesión :) y empecé a leer el libro de los Bardos inmediatamente.
Mi puntuación en Goodreads ha sido 4/5 ♥ y se debe a que si tuviera que poner un pero a este libro...sería el primer encuentro entre la pareja. Noah es bondadoso, cálido, bueno y comprensivo y en ese momento Noah desaparece por completo...entiendo que tenía que ser en ese momento y en ese lugar específico pero las formas podrían ser muy diferentes o, por lo menos, así lo veo yo.
Me entristece mucho que esta saga no esté traducida al inglés. Creo que tendría una gran acogida en el mercado y muchos más lectores podrían disfrutar de esta gran historia...pero si el español está entre tus pierdas la oportunidad de leer estos libros y acompañar a estos personajes. Puedo decir que la saga Vanir es única y que ocupará un pedacito especial en tu corazón.

Nos vemos pronto,

Angela xx

viernes, 29 de abril de 2016

Owlcrate boxes

Hello everyone! It's Friday, I don't work this weekend and I'm trying to think about positive things because I'm having a terrible day :(
Last January, I decided to try Owlcrate subscription :)
At first, I wasn't quite sure if I would love it...Owlcrate boxes bring to you a young adult hardcover book and 3-5 book-related goodies. The idea is brilliant and there are many other boxes offering the same but after checking people I follow in Youtube and Instagram, Owlcrate looks wonderful and kind of magical to me.
Anyhow, in February, I received my first box and I loved it, a lot. I feel terrible because I haven't read any of the books yet (being in the middle of a moving houses process daily problems...), but February's box was so magical, adorable and cute. In March, my second box, made me adore Owlcrate and with the third one in April I'm just addicted to this subscription. I can't recommend it enough to people. I highly recommend you to try unless once these boxes. If you're interested in it, let me know and I can give you a referral :)
So your box will be delivered by post and if you're not home you can collect it in your post office like I did few days ago :) What can you expect? When you open your box the first thing you will find is a card, with the month theme and on the back all the details of the items that are inside the box. I always read it after I have unboxed everything, don't want to see any spoiler, hahaha.
img_0210  img_0876
Also, every book comes with a letter from the author and I find this so cute and adorable.

So just come to the "dark side" and join the adventure ;)
Lots of love,
Angela xx

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Blush Collection

I know I haven't been too active recently but I'm moving houses and I can't believe how much time makes you spend on it...I can't wait till I move definitely to my new flat. Meanwhile, all is packing, moving services, changes address or cancel accounts...a nightmare...
But let´s move to the nature of the today's post :)
Makeup is one of my many big loves along with books and skin care products...and today I'm here to share with you, my blush collection. If you're as pale as I am, you may find that a bit of blush in your cheeks makes you look healthier and that's the main reason that makes me love blushes.
I will divide this collection into three sections:
  • RED: 
Somedays you want a bit of colour in your cheeks, you want to have a glow, to look glamorous, to attract the light and, in my opinion, these three blushes are perfect, especially in spring-summer when all colours are brighter. The only thing that you need to consider is that all blushes are buildable and excess of this shades could make you look terrible.
My favourites are New Red by Dior, Orgasm by NARS and Peach Glow by Rituals.

  • BROWN:
This is perfect to add a bit of warm, definition and elegance to your face. I prefer these shades in autumn, when the weather still sunny, and you use berry lipsticks and some scarfs...also gives definition to the cheeks and looks brilliant with a gold based highlighter.
My favourites are Santa Rose and Bronze by Rimmel London and Lovejoy by NARS

  • PINK:
These are perfect for a natural glow, a bit of colour that will make you look healthier but that can look so natural that people will be unsure if you wear or not a blush. Is perfect for any season of the year.
My favourites are The One by bareMinerals and Rosy Glow by Dior.

What about you? What is your favourite blush?

Lots of love,

sábado, 2 de abril de 2016


Hello hello again, if I came yesterday with my March Favourites, today is time to my March Wrap up. I did start last month with my first TBR (To be read) list thinking that it would help me to be more organised and read more and...definitely, it did. I'm so happy to say that I've managed to read 4/5 chosen books:
  1. Started the month with The Selection and...I don't know what happens between this book and me but I can't finish it. I started this book too many times. I re-read part of the book like 4 times but something always happened and I have to stop it...and then start I'm very sad but America's story will need to wait till other time. It's now at the end of my TBR.
  2. Following my reading blockage with The Selection I read Saga, volume II. And I love it. Really great story.
  3. After it, I needed the next volume and read Saga, volume III. You can find my full review here .
  4. Moving to classics,  I read The Time Machine by H.G Wells  and found it great. Again, if you want to read a full review, you can here.
  5. Last but not less, came Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard and what can I say? Love it. The review will be up very soon but I can tell you this, if you liked Red will love Glass Sword.

And that has been my monthly readings. I have a question for you...What do you do with your TBR book that you didn't manage to read? Do you move them to the next TBR? Do you move them to the last position in your TBR? Would love to hear your opinions ;-)
Lots of love,
Angela xx

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016



Another month has gone and here we are again, back to my monthly favourites. March has been a hard month with my job (working too many hours) and things in my life (quite a lot of changes) so this won't be a long one. 

As you probably know by now, I've been loving Saga a lot and this month I did read another two volumes but my favourite of the month goes to Glass Sword. Has been great to be back to this universe and all the story grows more complex and brilliant. You will find my full opinion very soon on the blog but again, Victoria Aveyard has won the award "favourite book of the month"

Always hard to choose a product in this category...and seems that recently goes all the time to cleanser products but the feeling in my skin after using this one is just amazing. Big thumbs up to Själ balans deep pore cleanser.

This month the weather has been a bit mad but in the days that we had sunlight and a bit less cold weather I've been using a lot this and I love it. 

No much of travelling this month after my holidays been working most of the time but a day in London is always a winning to me. I simply love this city.

On the TV shows side, I have been watching the same ones: The Walking Dead, The Flash season 2, Shadowhunters, Vikings and Lucifer. I love all of them and I've re-watched Penny Dreadful. So to say something different, I would say Penny Dreadful is my favourite this month.
Movies side I've watched 2 movies on the cinema. I said I wouldn't watch it but ended going to watch Batman vs. Superman. To be honest was better than I expected. Maybe I've just created so bad expectations that making it good was easy. The other one has been Eddie, the Eagle that I absolutely love!  And this weekend I've planned to watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 that I'm sure will make me laugh a lot.

I have two favourites this month that been helping me to go through the day with a good mood:

 the other is Renegades by X Ambassadors.

In this area, I'm still playing my Pokemon Red and Bravely Second. ♥♥♥♥♥♥

And that is all this month. What about you? What would be your favourites? Let me know.
Also, out of line, I just want to let you know that I'm still using the space in but I've been having some problems updating things so I've open this space here if Blogspot still not working properly will be moving here but at the moment I'm using both.
Lot of love
Angela xx


sábado, 26 de marzo de 2016

RESEÑA: The Time Machine


H.G. Wells is consider one of the fathers of science fiction literature and this year I have decided to read more classics and no just actual books. This was published  in 1895 and tells the adventures of the Time Traveller in the future year 802701.  

The Time Machine tells the story of the Time Traveler, an inventor living in Victorian England. Traveling into the distant future using his time machine he encounters the descendants of humans and witnesses the end of life on earth. Wells’ first published book, The Time Machine, popularized the concept of human time travel and has influenced countless works of fiction

The first thing that caught my attention was the beautiful cover. I received it in my February Owlcrate box and over all the books I have in my "to be read" list I picked it due to the cover in a high percentage. Secondly, I love Sci-fi/fantasy books and movies and knowing H.G Wells was one of the fathers of the genre I just need to read it. I spend less than 3 hours reading it, is a short book and leaves quite an open description of things or destiny of characters to the imagination of the reader, for example, you have a vague description of the Time Machine or you never know for sure what happen to Weena. 
In the futuristic world that we will travel people is divided into elois and morlocks and they are quite opposite. The first ones live in the upper-earth and show a kind behaviour and they are elegant. The second ones live in under-earth and they are more aggressive and they are described as quite ugly creatures.

The book will tell the story of the Time Traveller, a very intelligent man living in Victorian England that will let know his first time trip to some sceptic friends after coming back from the future.

I've lived eight days...such days as no human being ever lived before! i'm nearly worn out, but shan't sleep till I've told you this thing over to you. Then I shall go to bed. But no interruptions! Is it agreed? 

Definitely has been a different, enjoyable and quite short reading that I would recommend if you're interested in this genre. Maybe, in the future, I would read another of his books like The Invisible Man or The War of the Worlds

And you, where would you travel if having the chance of being a time traveller? 

Angela xx

miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2016



Good afternoon everyone! 

I'm here today with a different post. Recently I have been quite active in my Instagram with different pictures of my March skincare / beauty / haircare shopping and after a few days using them I come with my first impression or review of most of the items. 

March started with a big temptation...I went to London with a friend and I couldn't resist SpaceNK. Once I was inside, I had a small "look around" and ended talking with a lovely member of the staff and discussing skincare products. She recommended me 3 products of a brand that I haven't heard before, BAKEL. I don't know if you are familiar with the brand but for my was the first contact. If I'm completely honest, is not a cheap brand and I wasn't sure about it, so she gave me 3 samples. And I have tried already 2 of them. As I wanted to check results I haven't applied the 2 first days other products and after it, I combined it with my actual skincare routine. 

  • BAKEL MALIC: I'm very impressed with my first impressions. Is not a heavy serum and it helps with my pores. Also, I was advised to apply directly if having spots and I did. Next morning the spot has gone. Overall I have added this product to my wishlist. The only thing you need to be careful with is sunlight. You can't use it during day time. Is a night skincare product due to malic acid. It gives to the skin a lovely healthy glow.
  • BAKEL NUTRIREMEDY: I haven't found yet my ideal moisturiser and this one seems lovely. Is not heavy or oily. You can feel your skin better, healthier. It comes as a cream for very dry skin but I have combination skin and it works lovely on me. Also added to my wishlist.
  • BAKEL LACTOBIONIC: this one is a daytime serum but also can be used at night. Again is not heavy on the skin and helps to nourish. This is the one that I like less. Don't get me wrong, is very nice but I prefer the other two. 
My purchase that day in SPACENK was also from a brand that I'm not familiar with, SJÄL and the balans deep pore cleanser. I'm so in love with this product right now. Is so soft and nice with the skin but really works. The skin is clean, very soft, hydrated and balanced. Also helps with pore minimization. Overall, very happy with the product and wasn't terribly expensive (£47) 

This product is something I want to try for so long. I think our body needs now and then some detox. I love my skincare routine and I check and take care of my diet but I believe is also important to take care of our organism and after a deep research I decide to buy SKINNYMINT teatox. I went for the 14 days trial just in case my body reacts wrong to it or I dislike it a lot. When you buy it, come 2 bags, Morning Boost and Night Cleanse. The first one should be taken before 5 pm as it contains caffeine and the flavour is great. It helps me to reduce the amount of coffee I drink through the day. The second one should be taken every other day and I won't lie, the flavour isn't the best but could be drunk. 
I'm on my first week and can say I'm quite happy. I feel like having more energy, my skin looks good and in general, I'm feeling better. If you are thinking about a detox, go and check this one.   

I know this is a long post but we are coming to the end. I tend to buy more high-end products than drugstore but this month I didn't for a change. 

  • Maybelline master drama khol liner in dark brown: feeling like going back to my younger years with this but some days I just want something more natural and less intense than my black eyeliner. This is quite creamy and I don't like it if isn´t blended with a brush. Used in that way, I love it. 
  • Rimmel London blushes in 080 BRONZE and 010 SANTA ROSE: both very soft, happy and perfect for spring/summer days. The pigmentation last all day.  Very happy with the formula. 
  • Collection lasting perfection concealer in 2 cool medium: I have heard lots of good thing about it and always have been told that is a cheap version of Nars concealer. I picked tone 2 as advised by a member of the staff and I find it is quite not the right tone so I went back and picked tone 1 and I'm so impressed with the formula, the way it blends and covers my undereyes area and the redness around my nose. I really really love it. 
  • Pantene expert collection advance keratin repair: I'm so in love with my Pureology shampoo and conditioner but when I went to buy a new one only received bad news: out of stock. I checked different websites but no luck so until is back I decide to try this one and I'm happy with the choice. Smells lovely and leaves the hair clean and nourish and so far I don't need extra hair washing. 

So that is all for me today. Thanks to read till now. Let me know your opinion of any of the products or happy to read any recommendation in skincare, beauty or haircare. 

Angela xx

martes, 22 de marzo de 2016

RESEÑA: Saga vol. II and III


SAGA is sweeping tale of one young family fighting to find their place in the universe. Thanks to her star-crossed parents Marko and Alana, newborn baby Hazel has already survived lethal assassins, rampaging armies, and horrific monsters, but in the cold vastness of outer space, the little girl encounters her strangest adventure yet... grandparents.

I'm back here with another review and the turn, this time, is to SAGA and the next two volumes 
If you haven´t checked before my volume I review, you can do it here: SAGA vol. I
Now, going into this review, I have to say that if the first one made me fall in love with the story, these have made me adore the story. The comic shows you the hard part of life, the things people deal with after a long war, the loss of people and humanity that other levels shows the difficult part of dealing with a heartbroken or with a newborn baby in your life. Saga has romance on it but also politic schemes, violence, revenge and cruel sides of life such as children slavery. All that makes these comics suitable for adults. 

New and old characters will appear and our lovely family carries on with the adventure of finding a place in the universe where their love is possible. Also, we still having the humour and some sad moments as we will loose some character on the way. The artwork is so beautiful in all the pages and the characters are so awesome. In these volumes, we will learn more about Alana´s life, how Marko and Alana meet and how they fall in love with a book and with each other. 

As I have said before, if you haven't read Saga yet I highly recommend you to start to. 

"Never worry what other people think of you because no one ever thinks of you"

Angela xx

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016


Dear Autumn...I have failed my intentions :(. I did say, "no shopping this month, Angela" and I ended falling in the temptation and went to Waterstones. Once there...I did want too many books but I only bought four. That´s kind of alright, isn't it? :P 

But I come with a new resolution, to organise better my reading. Recently I'm back to read and I'm really enjoying it but I have bought quite a huge amount of books, all of them are in my TO BE READ list but that list is growing and growing I have decided to choose between 3-5 book to read each month and no more than 2 with more than 400 pages. Let's see if marking small goals helps me to conquer my big goal this year and read 30 books in 2016. 

With that in march TBR is:

  1. The Selection by Kiera Cass. I did start this book last month in my flight to Dublin but, as much as I like the story, I haven't had time to read and that makes me re-starting the book over and over again. So March is the month to go through all the book and see what happens with America&cia.
  2. The Time Machine by H.G. Wells. February came with my first Owlcrate box and I love it. A box with TWO books and amazing goodies, who won't love that? So this beauty should be read this month.
  3. Glass Sword by Victoria Aveyard. I did pre-order this book and I had it on February 12th but I haven't had the chance to read it, so March is the month. I can't wait to see what happens.
  4. Saga volume II. I'm very grateful to the person who recommend me this and I think is absolutely brilliant. ( my Waterstones shopping yesterday was volume II-V). I have started it yesterday and I'm really enjoying it. 
  5. Saga volume III. Don't want to read all the volumes available at once so my waiting won't be as long and hard as would be if I do. 

 Challenge set, will I manage to? I hope so...

See you soon, 
Angela xx